nah not at this time of year. Holidays are for pigging out!
Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
ten pounds in ten weeks
by Hortensia inso it's january 1 and i want to lose ten pounds in ten weeks.
i've been on a diet for a year and a half and have lost 130 pounds.
weight loss has slowed down, so i need more focus and more exercise.
What Did Noah Do With All The Animal manure Piling Up In the Ark?
by frankiespeakin inthey were in the ark for such a long time, must have been pretty messy not to mention unhealthy, must have been a high mortality rate, causeing wide spead disease, and death due to the very unsanitary condition in that ark?
imagine being locked up in that mess for a moment..
Must obey!
They shoveled it out of one of the windows. Easy.
It's Official - I celebrated Christmas
by Princess Daisy Boo inso after 11 years of celebrating christmas and birthdays, and successfully never mentioning the fact to my parents, my husband finally dobbed me in on sunday.
my folks came by for a visit and we just making small talk about random subjects and my hubby says "oh - you know that wine we drank with christmas lunch..." i waited for a reaction from mom, and nothing happened.
even when she called me yesterday, still no comment.
Must obey!
I believe xmas is all bollox but I celebrated it a bit too for the first time this year. I like the family get-together feeling thing.
by badboy inany ideas what jws say?
Must obey!
They just naturally decomposed, what else?
The only three reasons to miss a meeting?
by outofthebox insetting: sunday talk.
brother giving the talk (bgtt): 'a co told me' (he said that as in god told me), 'the only three reasons for missing a meeting are...' (drum roll) ... 'the three fs'.. me (thinking): wtf?
Must obey!
What about so as not to hear obnoxious, smart-ass, annoying speakers like him. And I bet he thought he was being soooo clever (rolls eyes).
The "generation" cover-up continues
by proplog2 inwell, the new "generation" light has finally been released in print.
this is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.. it is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.
christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914. .
Must obey!
Good post and excellent scriptural reasoning. Some great points made there.
144 000 blasted by the MATH (WT lying again)
by hamsterbait ini just took nathan natas chart for numbers of memorial partakers since 1935.. i worked out that on average 823 new partakers have been added every year since 1936, whilst on average 716 have been dying each year.. what is especially interesting, is that when the total of new partaker numbers almost exactly matches that given in w96 15/8 p31 for 1935, is in the year 1995 - they year they began to deliberately create the fog around the "generation" teaching.
(i used actual figures, not averages here).
i am now convinced that they have been paving the way for the feb 15 noolite since then.. i disregarded the figure for 1935 itself, since the witchtower gives two figures for partakers -.
Must obey!
This is amazing but it rests on the assumption that 5% have been dying each year. That does seem pretty high. I would like to see the figures based on only a 2% death rate.
And why only go back to 1935? What about all the partakers from 1879 (first Watchtower ever) to 1935? There were thousands then too.
If Jesus looked down on the Bible Students in 1914-19 and decided they were good enough to bestow the honour of being his only true organisation upon, then they must be good enough for him since right up to now! So you can add all the Bible Students since 1919 also!
The Society must surely know that the numbers game is up...the 144k figure has long since been exceeded! They have all the stats on this...they must know it!
They will eventually have no choice but to make the 144k a symbolic number as more JW's notice this.
What makes the 144,000 heavenly class stand out from the average person?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe jehovahs witnesses claim that the 144,000 is a limit to the number of people who will reign with christ in heaven and spend eternity with god.
the 144,000 have the heavenly hope.
those who are not born again will enjoy the earthly hopea paradise on earth ruled by christ and the 144,000. today,the wts claim that there are less than 9,000 heavenly class left on earth.. .
Must obey!
One reason we know that the 'heavenly class' concept is a bit of a sham is that the remnant (ones alive on earth today) are all totally and utterly blindly following the Watchtower Society, in fear of the GB and worshipping the GB idol, just like anyone else of the great crowd class. They are not Christ-centred and certainly not 'noble-minded' like the Boreans because they are in fear of critiquing and examining what they are being taught by the WTS, therefore the holy spirit is clearly not operating on their minds. They are just brainwashed Watchtowerites swallowing everything pumped out by the Watchtower Writing Department unquestioningly like anyone of the earthly class.
Is an Organization required?
by Robert7 inso i had a shepherding call recently, and i laid out my concerns to the elders.
i said how can put full faith and trust into jehovah's organization, one which is directed by holy spirit, even though its past is littered with issues and errors (new light)?
i mentioned the redefining of generation, 1975 issue, and the un involvement.
Must obey!
No an 'organisation' is not required, but the scriptures are clear that a 'congregation' is. A congregation can be a very small number, as little as 2 or 3, and Christ can be there. Either way, there is nothing in the NT to say we can just 'go it alone' I'm afraid.
So, some of you know i was in a
by orbison11 invery nasty relationship, for 8 years.
about 14 days ago, i was finally able to find place to live with my dear pup:).
today i went to get my last load from the house,,,,,he was gone,,,,,but what do i find on his dresser???
Must obey!
That was a pretty psycho thing to do. See what you mean when you say you have issues.